bullet Robot Spot Welding Guns

Robot Spot Welding Guns - Second Generation

Servo Robot Guns

servo-motor-actuated servo-motor-actuated

This is from the Second Generation of Robotic Spot Welding Guns.

Adaptable to any make of the Robot, for mounting of the motor, equipped with self-equalization.

Main Features

Increase in productivity
The electrode opening can be precisely controlled and travel distance between the spots can be reduced. This results in reduced spotting and traveling time. The electrode opening position can be defined for each spot reducing the opening and closing time of electrodes resulting in reduced spotting time

Precise control on Welding Force As The welding force is controlled by Current utilized by servo motor, actual force while welding can be controlled precisely. Welding force for each spot can be programmed as per welding requirement of different combination of sheets to be welded

Precise control on Heat Generated ( Energy Consumed) while welding
Three important parameters of welding are Current, Time and Resistance. With TECNA constant current secondary feedback Welding Control Current and time are precisely monitored. The contact resistance is dependant on actual force applied while welding. Servo system controls the force accurately resulting in generating required Heat for welding.

Soft Closing
Electrode Closing speed is reduced just before they touch the panel. This results in reduced Dents and increase in electrode life as initial impact of electrodes is avoided.

Correct welding position
This servo system can identify Tip wear, Deflection in arms and tip position. This helps for correct welding position of the gun

Environment Friendly
Operational noise of welding gun is reduced by soft closing also they don't produce air exhaust noise.

Conversation with robot
For the convenience of Integrator and robot manufacturer this system is available with various fieldbus options. Interface modules for fieldbus DeviceNet, Profibus, Ethercat are available as standard, ensuring compatibility of communication protocol with wide rangeof Robots

After Sales
USP of TECNA in INDIA is after sales and service support. This continues with regional offices with adequate spares

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